Our Services
- Cooling Water
- Cooling Tower Treatment
- Inspections
- Filtration
- Glycol Installations
- System Lay-Ups
- System Cleaning/Flushing
- Biological Control
- Closed Loop Treatment
- Corrosion Control
- Boilers
- Boiler Water Treatment
- Inspections
- Filtration
- Water Softening
- Dealkalization
- System lay-ups
- System cleaning/flushing
- Reverse Osmosis
- Potable Water System Sterilization
- Corrosion & biological control
- Filtration
- Sterilization & cleaning of new systems
- Waste Water Systems
- Coagulants
- Flocculants
- Settling Agents
- Antifoams
- FOG & Grease Destruction
- Pretreatment
- Ultrafiltration
- Deionization
- Water Softening
- Reverse Osmosis
- Dealkalization
- Green Buildings
- Writing a water management plan for cooling tower operations.WE Credit: 4Points: 2
- Provide water savings by identifying non-potable water sources that can be resued in your water based systems.O&M Credit: 4Points: 2
**Testing & Analysis along with on-site client & employee training are services provided with every form of treatment GLA provides**